The museum and exhibition complex of the Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Zaslavl" was opened in September 1992.Three exhibition halls were allocated from the total area of the two-story building, two of which are reserved for permanent exhibitions.

On the ground floor there is a hall of tapestries, which in 1991-1992 were made by the weavers of the Borisov Combine of Decorative and Applied Arts according to the sketches of Belarusian artists Yuri Piskun and Olga Demkina.

Three tapestries: "Rogneda", "Polotsk Bells" and "Prayer" are combined in a complete ensemble with the format, details, and features of color. Despite the fact that each of the authors solved the problem of revealing a separate topic, as a result, each topic converges in one dedicated to the personalities of Rogneda and Izyaslav, as well as their role in the history of Zaslavl, in the history of the entire Polotsk principality.

Music of the Evenings

У 1992 г. на другім паверсе адкрылася пастаянная экспазіцыя “Музыка вячорак”, адзіная ў сваім родзе на Беларусі, прысвечаная народным аркестрам. Яна знаёміць з музычнай культурай беларускіх вёсак і мястэчак. У вітрынах размешчаны музычныя інструменты, сабраныя з розных рэгіёнаў Беларусі. Добра вядомыя гармонікі, цымбалы, скрыпкі, жалейкі, бубны аб’яднаны ў так званыя вясельныя гурты. Падчас экскурсіі ажыўляе выставу аудыясуправаджэнне – мелодыі і песні ў выкананні народных музыкаў, запісаныя супрацоўнікамі музея падчас этнаграфічных экспедыцый.

A separate section of the exhibition is reserved for instruments that were not part of folk orchestras. In the showcases you can see a citrus, a mandolin, a lute-mandolin. There are also wind instruments-wooden pipes and clay ocarins. And noise musical instruments-a smooth box, pliers, spoons, you can not only look at them, but also play on them.

The third hall of the museum and exhibition complex is intended for temporary exhibition projects.

On the ground floor of the museum and exhibition complex there is a ticket office where tickets or a single ticket to all other museums are purchased. You can also buy souvenirs there.