In 1988, the staff of the newly created museum purchased the first museum items. So the museum fund began to be formed. At the moment, the fund of the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Zaslavl" has 12282 units of the main and 4711 units of the scientific and auxiliary fund. In 1989, the most significant receipts occurred. They served as the basis for the formation of the fund's structure. Today, the museum fund consists of the main fund, the scientific and auxiliary fund and the temporary income fund. In turn, the main fund is divided into 22 collections. The largest collection in the funds of the museum-reserve is the collection of archeology. It has more than 3,700 units of the main fund. This collection mainly includes items transferred to the museum by Yuri Afanasyevich Zayts during archaeological excavations both in the city of Zaslavl itself and in its surroundings (excavations were carried out in 1967-1986). These are various fragments of dishes of the X-XVIII century., tiles of the XVI-XVIII centuries., iron products (knives, nails, tools, weapons), shyfernye proslits, fragments of amphorae, bone products (X-XII century.), jewelry (bracelets, rings, beads, temple rings) X-XI century. and XII-XIV century.

The second in terms of the number of items and well-equipped is the weaving collection. It includes items purchased from the population during expeditions to the Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno regions. Then the collection was replenished with objects that existed in Zaslavl and its surroundings. Nowadays, the number of weaving items in the funds is about 1000 units.

The collection "Ceramics" has more than 700 items. It is distinguished by a wide variety: pots, jugs, jars, glyaks, bowls, makitras. The most represented are the Brest and Grodno regions, where the first expeditions were most often sent. Nowadays, the collection is replenished with items from Zaslavl and its surroundings. Also in the funds of the museum-reserve, the products of the Ivenetsky Ceramic plant and the Radoshkovichi ceramic plant are presented.

Разнастайнай па тэматыцы сабраных прадметаў з’яўляецца калекцыя “Дэкаратыўна-прыкладное мастацтва”: габелены, мастацкія вырабы з саломы, дрэва, косці, рога, каменю, фарфор, фаянс, мастацкая кераміка, шкло, цацкі.

The collection of painted carpets has become widely known. Their collection began in 1988 with the purchase of works by Ya. N. Drozdovich from A. A. Marochkin. Over the next ten years, a number of expeditions were undertaken to the Vitebsk region - the main region where painted carpets were most common. Today, the museum owns the largest collection of painted carpets among Belarusian museums - 130 units, of which 30 are Ya. N. Drozdovich's carpets. Also in the funds of the museum-reserve there is the only collection of carpets by Elena Kish in Belarus (11 units).

The collections of the museum-reserve in the collections "Painting" and "Graphics" contain art works by V. P. Markovets, V. P. Stashchanyuk, G. H. Vashchenko and other artists. At the moment, the collections number more than 600 and 260 units, respectively.

The process of completing the funds of the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Zaslavl" continues. New collections have been created: "Vehicles and harness" and "Collection of objects from the fire of the Transfiguration Church of the Savior".